Saturday, July 10, 2010

Christians Denounce Yoga

I was searching for one of my articles on google today (which is probably on page 1, 949, 245 or some such nonsense - memo to self, adjust keywords) when I came across an article of the same name that intrigued me. The title is What is Yoga? and is published by a Creationism site. Not only is it a poorly written piece, full of typos and dodgy grammar, it argues that yoga is evil and anti-Christian. Oh, great, I say, this is going to be fun.

The author begins by offering exceptionally narrow and highly dubious definitions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. For example:

"Buddhism, founded by the Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha, claims more than 249.600,000 disciples. Buddha taught that life is misery and decay, and that it has no ultimate reality. Mental and moral self-purification seem to give most Buddhists hope for liberation."

Yup, that's what Buddhism is alright - very well-researched, objective perspective.

She then focuses on some extreme practices such as drinking urine and severing the tongue as evidence of the link between yoga and the occult! Supporting this laughable claim is a born again Christian named Rabindranathn Maharaj (not to be confused with the Canadian writer of the same name): "Although the peace I experienced in meditation so easily deserted me...the occult forces that my practice of Yoga cultivated and aroused lingered on and began to manifest themselves in public'" (p. 74). Apparently, yoga even killed his father!

Another born again is also quoted to further press the point:

"Caryl Matrisciana believes her interest in Yoga began either by reading booklets in the supermarket or by watching a "Yoga for Health" television program...At first Matrisciana thought Yoga was helpful, but she later concluded, 'the Hindu has no grace [God's unmerited favor]. He is trapped by the impersonal law of karma cause and effect.' She documents many examples she's witnessed of Yogins doing violence to themselves. By the grace of God, Matrisciana escaped her involvement in Yoga and became a Christian firmly established in the Scriptures.'

Ah yes, the scriptures; those words of compassion, love and renewal...No wait, that's Buddhism, or is it Jainism, maybe Hindism, I forget. They all sound the same to me. And the only demons I see when practicing yoga is the instructor who bends like a noodle while I fart in the face of the person behind me.

So, all you practioners out there: be warned.

 "Yoga is integrally tied into a system of devout religious beliefs, primarily Buddhist and Hindu. As practiced in Eastern religious circles, it is considered the ultimate method for reaching religious self-realization, and can only be consummated by following prescribed physical postures, breathing exercises, mystical meditation, and diet, Thus understood it has no place in the life of a Christian believer."
What rubbish.

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